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Elections 2022

Broxbourne Green Party is celebrating an encouraging election result:

-- We stood a record 'full slate' of candidates allowing everyone the chance to vote Green.

-- We worked extremely hard in Hoddesdon South and Broxbourne to secure a clear second to the Tories. Sally Kemp almost doubled last year's vote: 462 (252 in 2021). All the other parties' votes fell!

-- Sally's ward had the highest turnout, the only one over 30%. It seems some non-voters were inspired by the Green campaign and the hard work we have put in over the course of the past few months!

-- We were able to better the mini-surge of the Lib Dems. The Greens placed one second and 4 thirds to the LibDems' one second and three thirds. Borough-wide, the Greens finished TWO votes ahead of the Liberal Democrats!

-- Still a True Blue council, with Labour second overall. But a promising surge is being started by the Greens.